Printer error? QR-connect!


Made easy

  • Instant access
  • User-friendly processes
  • Clever reporting module
  • Cost efficient
  • No app necessary
  • Quick and Simple

How does QR Connect work?

QR Connect icon scan


Scan QR-code with any smart phone thought the camera function

QR Connect icon access

Instant access

Connect with your unique product page, without the installation of an APP

QR Connect icon fix

Fix it

With a few clicks you fix the problem you are dealt with, or buy what ever you need

With QR Connect users have a solution within easy reach. When machines break down or malfunction service triggers resolve the problem. Via QR Connect, you quickly and simply record frequent faults and the solutions become fully automatized.

QR Connect uses modern technology to make data collection, dealing with machine issues and generating reports much easier. It is efficient and eliminates mistakes, taking the stress off your employees’ hands and optimizing your service processes.

Fault, transfer request or out of toner? Then all you have to do is scan the QR code, which brings up a clear menu with just the right number of options, from where you select the correct service flow with only a few clicks. The machine’s location is reported and an appropriate solution or action is immediately set in motion. It’s that simple!

Research shows that most employees only download a service app if they have a work phone. QR Connect avoids this problem, as the system does not require an app. This simple and user-friendly solution delivers large efficiency gains to every SME and larger business, particularly when the business uses service flows in which suppliers are requested to perform specific actions. QR Connect reports the service request, records the lead time and also checks KPIs.

Safety and simplicity in one!

Simplicity is our number one priority. Thanks to QR Connect’s outstanding service delivery, employee’ lives are made easy. They don’t need to download an app, or allow QR Connect to save any of their data, making the solution fully GDPR-compliant! QR Connect offers support for machines in every sector: from those in privacy-sensitive domains to intensive care beds in a hospital or coffee machines in an office.

It is very easy to start using QR Connect, and it simplifies your processes, whatever option you choose!

Check our Case Studies

QR Connect icon printer

QR Connect


QR Connect icon coffee

QR Connect

Coffee machines

QR Connect icon furniture

QR Connect

Office furniture

Find out how we can implement QR Connect in your processes.

Get in touch with us using the form below. We will be very happy to demonstrate how you can benefit from our solution